~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My One Hundredth Post--Life Post and AWESOME MOMENT

Mark the date on your calendars, my loves, because today is the day my blog hits one hundred posts. Me, your fave blogger ^_^ Well, how long ago was it that I made my blog? *Rechecks blog archive.* Third of October! Let's see, I joined on the third of last month, thirty one days in October, today's the fifteenth, so 31-3+15=....uh.......45! Yes, forty five. So, dudes, I have had my blog for forty five days, one hundred posts, so one hundred posts divided by forty five days would give us....erm....2.2222 posts per day. Well, that ain't half bad.

You guys deserve a special treat for being the lucky ones who just might have been reading this from the very first post. Well, here we go....

A POEM DEDICATED TO YOU!!! Yes, Fred, here's to you!! Aha jk, for all o' my readers.


Well, you dudes amaze me
For walking with me through my agony
Only been a while
Since I began, and I don't know if I'd made you smile
Thank you all for reading my creations
And my tremulous navigations
Through hell and back again
And I know I'm only headed back
But sure as hell I've got the knack
Of writing poetry, getting my feelings out
Oh, yes, you like my work without a doubt
Wondrous readers, please stay with me
And read my wondrous poetry
Loyal readers--yeah that's you Fred
Thank you for understanding when I turned my background red
I promise I will never leave
I won't ever give you guys cause to grieve
Just keep right on reading
And maybe get on emailing ;)
So I thank you all
Thank you all for looking through my diamond wall

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