~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

And I Quote......--Life Post

Emmy's about me on Quizilla: Alex(she is a girl) I loved her...She loved me..She lied to me...I'm keeping true to my promise about always loving her.I read all her poems...Everything seems so much more painful after reading them. I case her so much pain..It seems as though she hates me so much...Alex...Please tell me the truth...Do you love me or are you faking it?

Emmy's journal post: I'M SO BLIND

I didn't see it.
It was so clear.
I sholuld have know.
No one could ever truely love me.
All talk.
Nothing can save me now,
From this dark abyss.
Falling deeper and deeper.
Soaring so close to the ground.
I used to fly high.
No longer do my wings spread.
My feet do not lift off
The ground.
I have so much to tell you,
But you are so far away.
I wish I could say I
Still love you.
But you won't pick up
The phone.
You won't give me three seconds,
To say three little words.
Please I beg of you.
Let my dreams come true
Say that you love me to.
Say this crazy dream of mine will come true.

Please let my dream come true tonight on this very day at 11/11/11 11:11
I know I made a mistake but please...


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