~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

~~Four Friends: A Poem From the Past~~

Wrenched into the lies
A triangle becomes a square
While love dies
Who knew hate would be there?
I loved you once, long ago
A Magician tries to help, to maintain control
And now I’ll never know
If this friendship was meant to remain whole
A stranger becomes a friend
In the midst of agony
As another friendship comes to an end
As well as a love that had saved me
It used to be only two
But then a Princess came
And ended me and you
Things will never be the same
Friendship and trust
Both have been broken
Every secret has just
Been snapped open
Will I end up with the Magician
Who’s trying to help us out
Or will the feelings be shunned again
That last secret never found out
I don’t know what I desire
I’ve lost all control
But I know that I desire
The Magician to maintain control
Control over me
Over this triangle of love and hate
He truly only met me
But now I can’t wait
For a friendship with him
To go wherever it needs to go
I’m glad I know him
The best Magician I’ll ever know
After all of this, I trust you
The Magician, the Savior, and the Princess as well
I may never meet you
But together we’ve been through hell
Friendships have been tested
Lost feelings forced away
Being resurrected
Only to die another day
Thank you for everything
Because even though you’ve hurt me
For you I’d do anything
Because an Angel, that’s me.

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