~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

~~ENOUGH.--Life Post~~

I've done enough of this.

I need to cheer up.

I'm beautiful.

I'm sexy.

I'm worth loving.

I DO love.

I hate myself, yes, but I love who I am too.

Not only for what I've done, but for what I'm going to do.

I'm no saint.

I can't stand under my own power, not after all of this.

But I'm going to be fucking great.

I'm going to be amazing.

Damn it all, I'm going to get through this.

I love who I am.

I'm damnably amazing.

And I WILL make myself believe that.

I need to.

For everyone I love, I need to love myself.


azrael said...

Then suddenly, the truth finally seeped into her mind. I'm glad you're starting to see what we all see in you sister dearest. Never forget any of this, even in the worst of times~

Unknown said...

I can't complain about a beautiful life. Not anymore....I need to be happy, right? I'm needed. I always am needed. And....I need to do this for myself, too. I'm all that's standing between me and my happiness.