~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

~~I'm Still Here~~

I'm still here, playing every little game
So what if I've stopped feeling shame?

I've gotten so many hearts
Gotten so many fresh starts

So dude are you afraid?
I'm the girl you thought you played
I'm the babygirl you'd hold close as she cried
This love in my eyes is the love you thought that died
The love that was never really there
So do you really think I care?
I'm getting ready to play
Time to take you down today
You love me, you hold me
Shelter me, forgive me
In the end you'd die for me
But I'm the cause of all your agony
I'm your sweet babygirl
So perfect, but cuz of me you should hurl
If you looked inside, I'd make you sick
My perfect little ass needs a good kick
Don't you think I ain't real?
Don't you think I can't feel?
But the lightning's in my eyes
And you're running for your life
And then back to me you come
Damn, aren't you dumb?
Shouldn't you be running away
From the girl you thought you could play?

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