~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

~~Please Forgive Me: A Message to Adam~~

I hope you'll read this, Master Adam. I hope you will....

Because I need you to know a few things.

You were very good to me, and I was shit to you....I hurt you. I'm so sorry and even though I shouldn't feel this much guilt...I do. I do, and I'll always carry it around with me. I'm not doing well. And I'm drowning--you know I am. You were one of the best people I was ever with. You made me feel alive.

I love you.


Please, forget me if you can....Let go of me. I don't want to cause you more pain than I already have....

I'll be okay....And if my will ever breaks...

I'll come back....

Maybe, I...

I need a shot at real life.

I need someone to hold me and comfort me and...And you can't do that.

I know it's not fair..I know I'm being selfish.

I know you would come up here the second you could, but...

I can't risk a guarantee on a maybe.

I've sold my heart to people afar before, and....I can't do it anymore.

I can't wait years.

I can't.

By the gods, I can't....

I love you....

But no more.

No more....

~~Yours Never and Always, Angel Fuck~~

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