~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

~~In Pursuit of a Waistline: Life Post~~

I'm going to destroy my body doing this....

But it's going to be worth it.

I want my hourglass waist back.

Those damned trips with all that damned delicious delectable poutine!!!!


Poutine is my addiction...

THAT is poutine my loves.

That mess of delicious gravy and cheese curds and perfect french fries....

Fat on a plate.


I am so very addicted to it, but this is one addiction I am certain to be punished for.

And I ever so rarely get it, so I should be fine. Right?


Sadly, the effects of said poutine are long lasting.

I'm way too fat for my liking.

No, no NO I'm not going to turn anorexic. Promise. I'm just gonna get my waistline back.

And lose mah tummy.

VVV THAT is my tummy. VVV

I look pregnant....

Btw I'm not.

My period is still on its not-at-all regular cycle, thank you very much for wondering.


Well me is fine with it. I just wanna get it a bit smaller, okay?

I want an hourglass waist again. I had one before the road trip to universities, but all that sitting in a car and all those fast food joints....>.<

Oh jeez, well isn't this a spectacular post?

What am I thinking, posting this? As if you guys would want to know....



Wish me luck in my pursuit of a curvy waist!

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