~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stop This Silence.--Life Post

I need to change. I need to adjust my life and become better, I need to start loving more and stop closing myself. I need to get better. I need to heal. I need to open myself up more and reveal who I am, not who I need to be to get attention. I don't have a choice but to change my life. And I need to.

I'm not doing well guys. I need to stop it with the lies and all the using. I need to stop this! My life is dramatic enough I don't need to make them up. How many times have I lied? How much have I done? I lied several years ago (in grade six I think) about dating a boy named Miguel who had AIDS and then left me. I lied most recently about a girl named Anna Shadowlight who had been staying with me because she was running away from home. My friend Domenic fell for her, and then I had her break his heart.....And then I lied and said that Emily was dying and no she isn't she's doing better than ever before. What am I doing? What's wrong with me?


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