~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Few Secrets/Updates--Life Post

1.       I think of myself as single no matter what happens
2.       These days I walk into doors repetitively
3.       I get nervous a lot less easily
4.       I’m still very much in love with Adam…..Even though I’m kinda dating again
5.       Dylan is flirting with me……A lot. Even though he has a girlfriend and a girl who is in love with him.
6.       Most of my friends online are male
7.       Most of my friends in real life are female
8.       Most of the people I talk to online are older than me
9.       I considered suicide again a few nights ago
10.   I have been quite mood-swingy the past few days
11.   Not a day goes by that I don’t think of Emily
12.   I can’t wait to turn fifteen
13.   I like cuddling things when I’m sleepy
14.   I’m doing really well in school
15.   A few days ago I carved  dragon out of fowm
16.   I want chocolate right now
17.   I haven’t worked out in a while
18.   Adam and I got very close to fighting for the first time last night
19.   The only one who called me on Valentine’s Day was him
20.   I have two new psychotically awesome friends
21.   I am very close to fully starting the writing of my novel
22.   I don’t feel like I’m only fourteen years old
23.   “Ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.” I can’t wait to be wiser than I am
24.   I’m starting to feel less and less hollow
25.   I’m starting the writing of my novel tonight. The full on writing. So I’ll post this and then get to work. Love you all!!!

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