So I've topped 2000 blog views. So I've topped 200 posts. So I've probably spent a long long time sitting posting on this. So I've probably spent a lot of time just talking about this blog. And here I am, fourteen still, only a few months after the first post ever. I've come a long way in many different ways, and I've done a hell of a lot. All the things posted on here are not even half of the amount of things that have gone on! I have never had the time to tell all the stories, to bare every secret, to open up every vein and let the feelings pour onto the page. I've barely had the time and do you know what I realized earlier?
I don't have TIME for a full-scale mental breakdown, I'm in grade nine at ______! With the massively high level of academics at my high school, I don't have the time to lose my mind. And what with all my friends losing it and my writing and this blog and my friends and my reading and my own mind life, I don't have time to go crazy.
Huh, perhaps that's the only reason I'm still somewhat sane.......? Either way it's true. I don't have the time loves. But over the summer I might just collapse inside.....Ah well that's a long way away and I don't have the time to worry.
We've had a pretty epic run, haven't we, my amazing blog readers? Probably quite a few of you have been coming here again and again since the start, and I'm beyond grateful to have so many viewers and even some followers. I love you all and I hope you've enjoyed the ride.......Just remember that there's more to come and I won't stop until I blackout and crash. xD
I love you dudes. Wish me luck and if you're lucky I might just post the first few pages of my novel. ;D
See ya dudes!
What hides behind the perfect image? Behind the nerdy, smart, beautiful, strange girl you all know and love? You're about to find out....If you're ready for it, that is. Behind the diamond curtain lies secrets, confessions, poems, and stories. Welcome to the Asylum for Wayward Creative Me.
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