~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

~~Random Things--Randomness Post~~

S: Source of
E: Early
X: Xenophobia

M: Mildly
E: Erotic
S: Straight
T: Teddies

A: Angry
P: People
P: Paint
L: Like
E: Elves

O: Odd
R: Raisins
A: Attack
N: Nymphet
G: Giraffes on
E: Easter

F: Free
I: Idiot
S: Solution
H: Here

S: Sexy
T: Tables
E: Eat
A: At Burger
K: King

W: Weirdly
I: Incredible
N: Ninjas
N: Named
E: Ethel and
R: Raven
S: Stark

C: Chocolate
H: Houses
E: Eat
E: Each other
S: Sometimes
E: Eh?

"I'm just contemplating murder, the disposal of a corpse, and ritual sacrifice." <--Me, a few days ago on the bus. I had a bad day.

"Do you just say whatever matches the mood?"
"Yes. Now you k is now why I'm so agreeable." <--Sun-Jung and I.

"I like apples."
"NBjbddsbcdjs vbfhjdbvhqibc?" <--Me and Ian.

"Yes, because trees can fly." <--My math teacher. Don't ask.

Dietro la cortina di Diamante is my blog name in Italian.

Hehe, as much of the random awesomeness that I can think of.

I love you, kiddies.

Hope I made ya grin.

Oh, yeah.

I did some calculations today in history.

I averaged about 1.3 posts a day. And seeing as I didn't post every day, that's impressive.

I also average 13 posts a day. Hey, cool--1.3 posts a day and thirteen views a day. Nice numbers, there. Wait...Does that mean that....Ten percent of views overall is my amount of posts? THAT is a nice calculation! Yes, after doing the math, that's pretty much true.

I feel pretty damn awesome.


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