Hey, kiddies, I know you guys have been possibly waiting for me to a. Make a wordpress blog or b. do ANYTHING with the sister blog that I'm planning on making so I can post pornos. Well, never mind about those....
My loves, upon reviewing my intensive difficulties at keeping ONE blog kept up, I think it's a good idea to only focus on this. Therefore ~~The Diamond Gag~~ is closed until further notice, and I apologize for that. I'll work on this later, alright? You know my life is busy and filled with amazing-ass incidents known as LIFE.
I write as much as I can, my dears...I'll always try to write, I promise. God.....
Hey, the sleepover is officially Friday night, so this is GOING TO BE AWESOME!
I need to focus more on the good stuff, I know I do....
And one of the good stuff is how good of a boyfriend I have.
I gotta go, lovers.
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