~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

~~Judge Me if You Must~~

I know I suffer
But never in silence
I know I hurt
But never not by choice

Do you honestly think
I won't make it through?
Do you honestly believe
I won't make it far?

I know I have scars
And I know my past is bad
I know I've made mistakes
But I know we all do

Don't judge me on my past
Judge me on where I am
Don't judge me on the foolish choices
Judge me on the future

Don't say I'm worthless
Simply because I made mistakes
Don't say I'm a slut
Because I used to be a cam whore

Don't judge me without knowing me
Don't consider me to be easy to understand
Don't forget I'm human
Don't forget I'm young

I'm amazing
But hurt
I'm strong
But weak

I'm wise
But foolish
I'm mature
But young

I tell the truth
But I lie

I regret
But I also forget

I write
But I also talk
I'm smart
But I'm also a fool

I'm beautiful
But I'm ugly
I'm a cheater
But I'm loyal

My past is my past
And my future is my future
Judge me on both
If you must judge at all

But never forget where I am now
The winding path behind me
And ahead of me
Never forget to know me.

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