~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD DID YOU DO!?!?!?!?!--Life Post @ Readers






You guys are AMAZING!!!! You can NOT understand how much I LOVE you guys right now....How much I adore you! How much I OWE you guys!!!

But...What in the name of God did you guys do?! How did my humble little blog be read by so many?! Can someone explain this to me, please?

But..I love you guys so amazingly much............I love you! IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!!! *Is done now--but only because I'm out of breath.* You can't believe how shocked I was when I read my stats......Guys this is amazing! You made my day!!! I ran out of my room, tackled my mom with a hug, and did the same to my dad when he walked in the door...I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Time for a special treat.....


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