~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oh Bugger Off >.> --Life Post

RELATIONSHIP ISSUES: Barely over Dylan (my Savior who I coulda sworn was the One), SNAP here's Emmy to shatter my world, three months later boom she's gone, here comes Tolga POW he changes everything for good, and like lightning in the night here's Wolf! And, just like the noise Rice Krispies make, here come the others wanting my attention.....Wtf go away can't you see I haven't had a single f**king second to heal?!?!

My f**king status on Facebook....I'm almost in tears.......Because of Emily....My Emily!!! And now Amber, who I am now technically dating even though we BOTH have boyfriends who we love very much, are talking about Tolga...Aka King. Dudes this is freaking insane just get the heck away from me!!! Oh god kiddies.......I started quoting him.....

I can still quote him even though he blocked me almost a month ago. Huh....Time sure does act strangely......Some moments with Emmy, the best and worst moments in particular, were either seconds or years.......The (holy sh*t it was only three days!!!!) time with Tolga felt like it could have lasted for months......And it feels like it was only yesterday that I was in grade eight.

:P Topic change! Kirby Dance, Let's Go..... (>^.^>)(<^.^<)(>^.^)><(^.^<)

Hey kiddies did I ever show you a pic of Tolga? The random Kirby Dance thing was stolen from his profile on chatango...........Which reminds me: Tolga ^^ Have a link to his profile!!! *Cough*sendhatemail*coughcough* Oh crud I must be sick still..........Oh cheese it's happening again! *Cough*Don't*coughcough*tellhim*coughcough*it'saboutme*coughcoughcough*. Oh what an embarassing cough I have.........Wait crud! *Cough*actually*coughcoughCOUGHGAGcough*tellhimit's*coughcough*aboutme*cough*Iwannasee*cough*ifhe*cough*remembers.*Cough.* Oh thank god I think my coughing fit is over :3

That really didn't work online, now did it? Okay you kiddies know what I meant....

Holy cow this is a random post........

Well oh well....I love you dudes!!

Could I actually hit one thousand blog views by 2012? I really hope I can kiddies......Help me!!! I wanna hit that high a number.......Come on kiddies let's get more blog views!!!

Kirby Dance, Let's Go..... (>^.^>)(<^.^<)(>^.^)><(^.^<)

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