~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Silent Watcher

I watch from the dark
Do you see me?
Anticipating the call of the lark
Can you hear me?
The world has passed me by
And now here I remain
Hearing your final goodbye
Echo in the silent world of my pain
I don't speak
I bend over my work, don't raise my eyes
Familiar faces I don't bother to seek
All I can hear are their goodbyes
I listen, I feel, I see
All the things that you do
You don't bother to hide from me
I do not exist to you
I am only one the world left behind
Clutching at the shreds of my life's tapestry
All the good things for which I'd once pined
Have left me suffering silently
And all the angels
Who had once flown so high
Have drowned, lost in their hells
Now they're only waiting for their time to die
A web of scars
Woven upon white skin
The only sign of the darkness that mars
The soul of the girl within
I am alone eternally
No one can hear
My screams, for they echo silently
In my private world of fear

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