~~This Time It's Different by Evans Blue~~

Language Barriers?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It All Started With a Message and a Love Unreturned. And this is When Things Go Bad

In and around school's end
This girl makes an account on Quizilla

Adonis was the boy she loved above all others
Love that was not returned
Letting go she could not do

So, searching for friends
The girl creates a quiz
And a boy takes it and messages her; over the days that follow
Realities alter to include only each other
Together they could be themselves, and
Even though they didn't know each other's names, they knew
Death couldn't keep them apart

When they realized they were in love
Ice cracks and melts, flooding them in heat
Together; they thought they were meant to be forever
However, reality always comes to end the dream:

Adonis still had the girl's heart

Maybe things could have gone differently, maybe
Even though she loved another still
she and the boy of her dreams could have been.
Sorry and hurting, they end it
And return to being friends, and now a
Girl arrives on the scene
Everything the boy could want

And he falls hard
Now as he grows and heals
Death whispers to the girl

Adonis, out of nowhere, abandons the girl

Letting go is hard to do; very hard
On one dark night, the boy and girl realize:
Varying degrees of love surround them all
Evermore they cannot escape it

Unable to choose, he takes his time
Never before has the girl hurt so much
Reality darkens and tears like cloth
Even as she shatters
The boy realizes he can't watch her break
Unending love he has for her
Reality mends and they are together again
Now they are happy again
Evermore they were meant to be
Death will not be enough to keep them apart

And so things seem to be going well
Now that they are together and healing
Didn't they realize things could only go crazy again?

Together the boy and girl leaped from love to lust
How they do not know
Inside she only wants to know she's safe, but
Somehow they drown in sin

In the midst of all this they start to ask themselves:
"So, are we really meant to be?"

Whispers of fear start to sound
How did things go bad?
"End this? Or continue?" they ask
Now the girl realizes:

The boy who had her heart, did she have his?
Hating this and seeing the signs herself, she confronts him
Inside she isn't surprised when he admits he'd never decided
Now they end things; for good they say. Now the other
Girl now has him
So our heroine kicks him out for a while

Getting over him
On the site she finds another: An angel fallen hard

But can the angel fallen rise again? Or can she even be trusted?
And as darkness and love surround the girl and boy, they ask silently:
Do we continue this love and friendship, or let each other go?

TOP LEFT--Alex Wong (aka me, heroine from the poem.) BOTTOM RIGHT--Dylan C (aka Puppet Master, boy from poem)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes this is a true story. It's the story of two very good friends. I love you Dylan.


Anonymous said...

very... long. A good use of acrostic, Alex.

Unknown said...

Aha thanks. xP I had a lot of free time.....